Looking to join our team?

 At Vineyard Northwest, our mission is to raise up world-changing Kingdom leaders.

We are Mercy Driven, Supernaturally Empowered, Outwardly Focused, and honored you are interested in joining our team.

Below is a list of the current positions we have available. Please reach out to the email provided if you have any questions, or send general inquiries to info@vineyardnorthwest.com.

If you are 14 years or older, enjoy spending time with children and love our church environment, this is a beautiful opportunity for you! We offer flexible schedules, competitive hourly wages, and all of the goldfish that your heart could desire! Responsibilities include caring for, playing with, and leading bible lessons, worship, and activities with kids ages 6 weeks to 7 years. It’s a wonderful and fun opportunity to partner with the church’s vision for disciple-making in the lives of our littlest members.

Shifts are Tuesday/Thursday day (8:30-2:30) or weekday evenings from about 5:30-9:00 pm.

Apply with the link below, or for additional questions and information, please reach out to nicole@vcnw.org.

If you call Vineyard Northwest your home and you are eager to serve, please reach out to ana@vcnw.org or fill out the short form below!