Micah is unavailable for unscheduled, in-person meetings. All meetings must be scheduled. Micah is not available for meetings on Sundays.

For information regarding Vineyard Northwest's Prophetic Ministry, please email melodie@vineyardnorthwest.com.  

For information regarding Behold Wonder or a request of appointment/speaking engagement with Micah, please direct your inquiry here.  


Micah Turnbo

Media Kit


Micah is the Pastor of Prophetic Ministry at Vineyard Northwest in Cincinnati, OH. He grew up in a very prophetic family where spending time with God was a normal part of homeschooling, and then continued his education at Cincinnati Christian University and International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO (IHOPKC). Micah’s mission is to encourage people to connect to the heart of God and his goal is to see friends of God encounter him in a real way so that his display of glory and power is recognized all across the earth.