Prophecy Rooms
Led by Stephanie Gorman, Prophecy Rooms is a ministry where you can receive encouragement from the heart of the Father.
Stephanie Gorman
What is Prophecy Rooms?
Prophecy Rooms is a ministry where you come and receive God's encouraging words to you through a team of 3 people. The structure of Prophecy Rooms is that you will sign up for a 20-minute time slot when 3 people will give prophecy to 3 people receiving. When you arrive, you’ll be directed to a team of 3, which includes a leader, who will sit with you and ask God, “What do you want to say to this person?” Then the team will share with you what God is saying to you and will give you an opportunity at the end to give feedback.
What is the purpose of prophecy?
The purpose of prophecy is to build you up and encourage you. 1 Corinthians 14:3 says, “But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.” God wants you to know how much you are loved and prophecy is one of the ways He does that. Prophecy increases faith and connects you to God on a deeper level.
God is for you, loves you, and wants you to know it!
Where can I experience Prophecy Rooms?
Prophecy Rooms
Check Calendar: Prophecy Rooms team will be offered at Vineyard Northwest several times during the year. Please check Upcoing Events for times and dates.
You can email the Prophetic Ministry at prophecyrooms@vineyardnorthwest.com for more information.