Prophetic Intercession
The Prophetic Intercession Division, led by Kim Turnbo, are prayer warriors focused on being lovers of intimacy with God & studying His Word.
Kim Turnbo
What is Prophetic Intercession?
Prophetic Intercession differs from other types of prayer. This camp, within our Prophetic Ministry are Prophetic Intercessor Watchmen - a prophetic, priestly army fashioned as guardians, dedicated to protect through prayer for a specific post. Prophetic Intercessor Watchmen are fashioned to run after the heart of God!
These are some characteristics of Prophetic Intercessors:
• Lovers of intimacy sustained by encountering the presence of God and studying His word
• Joyful warriors who pray back to God what they receive from Him in the secret place
• Biblical intercessors who understand God’s Word will accomplish and move the angelic forces
• Followers of leadership who know being under authority and partnering with Jesus is vital
Isaiah 21:5-8 (watchmen, post); Joshua 5:13-15 (army); Psalm 24:7-10 (Jesus: King, Warrior, Leadership); Hebrew 7:24-25 (Jesus: priest, intercessor); Romans 8:26 (Holy Spirit: gives...); Revelation 19:11-14 (Jesus: Word, battle); Isaiah 55:10-11 (word of God); Psalm 147:15 (let word run swiftly); Hebrew 1:7, 14 (partner with the angelic team); Psalms 91:11-16 (angels); Psalms 100 (joyful warriors); Psalms 27:4 (presence, intimacy); Ephesians 1:17-20 (bless you)
You can email the Prophetic Ministry at propheticministry@vineyardnorthwest.com for more information.