Prophetic Worship
The Prophetic Worship department, led by Derri Turnbo, combines spontaneous
prophetic worship and prayer based on scripture.
Derri Turnbo
What is Prophetic Worship?
First things first is magnifying and adoring the Lord. That’s what worship is about: Him. And from that place, we create a culture of worship that is personal and provides a launching pad for encounters with God. Our ministry’s prophetic worship focuses on beholding the Lord and out of that we receive revelation of who He is, what He wants to do in and what He wants to say to us in that moment. Because we are beholding Him, we are able to go deeper and to see what is on His heart. We press into that revelation together and sing it out.
Because we are the children of God, we have full access to Him as our birthright! It is our joy and responsibility to connect with God during the worship time. There’s an old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it.” Our prophetic worship is structured in a way to lead you to the living water (John 4:10, John 7:37-39), but you are the one who will need to connect with God. As you practice, it gets easier!
You can email the Prophetic Ministry at propheticministry@vineyardnorthwest.com for more information.