In this class, we will learn God's design so that we can be humans who rest in His presence. We will look at the biblical history of the Sabbath and get practical on HOW to Sabbath. We will leave space for plenty of activations to hear from the Holy Spirit directly and press into His good and nurturing plans and dreams for our Sabbath practice.
Sarah is the pastor of Vineyard Finneytown in Cincinnati, Ohio. She and her husband, Grant, have three boys, a rabbit, and a puppy in their lively household. Sarah is passionate about helping people to encounter the presence of God, equipping people to minister in the power of the Spirit, and seeing children fall in love with Jesus at summer camp. Sarah currently serves on the National Team for the Vineyard Women’s Association. Sarah loves a good hike in the woods, chips & queso, office supplies, putting things in rainbow order, and time with family.
Classes will meet on Monday Nights, March 3, 10 and 17.
No childcare is available for CSSM Electives.