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Divorce Care

Welcome to DivorceCare at Vineyard Northwest.

This important 11-week group is for individual men and women who are separated, going through a divorce, long term break-up, or are already divorced. You may join at any time during the 11-weeks. You can expect to meet friendly, caring people who will support you through the challenging experience of separation and/or divorce. Our facilitators have experienced divorce themselves and are trained to ensure confidentiality and safe group dynamics.

Childcare is available for infants through 4th grade. We ask for a registration fee of $20 to cover the cost of the workbook, but scholarships are available – please do not let cost get in the way of attending.

NOTE: If you already have a workbook (edition 4.0) from a previous session, there is no charge for you to attend the course again. We encourage attendees to attend as often as they like to achieve full freedom, growth, and healing.

January 25

Prophecy Rooms

February 2

Night of Worship