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Friends of God Prophetic Conference

The theme for the 2023 Friends of God conference is “The Anointing”. The anointing refers to our loving act of anointing the feet of Jesus with the Oil of Intimacy, just like the woman with the alabaster jar in Matthew 26, Mark 14, and Luke 7.

The following is an encounter with Jesus from our Pastor of the Prophetic Ministry, Micah Turnbo, about the Oil of Intimacy:

I took the oil from my hands and poured it over the head of Jesus. The oil ran down His head, His ears, and His lips. His beard was soaked in the oil gushing from my hands. I wept, and my tears dropped into His eyes and hair. While holding His face and tenderly touching His lips, my worship was so intense that I didn't know what else to do but have my head feel His forehead. As our foreheads touched, He said, "My dear son, this is worship that blesses Me—your tears of love, the weeping of intense longing. Your worship blesses Me, and I will wear your fragrant perfume before our Father. My son, hold on to Me; stay close to Me." I gently touched His lips with my thumb while tears ran down my cheeks. His smiling eyes gazed into me, "Do you believe My words? You are not your own. I belong to you, and you belong to Me. I wait for these moments. Will you give Me your love, Micah?

My friends, Jesus wants this same intimacy with you. Do not let any lies or fears keep you from connecting to Him. Satan knows that if you connect to Jesus, you will connect to the real you. You are not your own. You belong to Him. Worship Christ Jesus! Will you anoint Him with your worship?

Learn more here.

May 22

The "Jesus Revolution" and the Story of the Vineyard Webcast

May 31

Northwest Kids Water Night